Friday, March 22, 2013

Fries with cheese, bacon, ranch onion....

These fries were amazing, not at all good for you but they were good.

3-4 potatoes, depending on how many fries you want to make
2-cups shredded cheese
1-pkg real bacon bits
3-green onions chopped
olive oil
salt and pepper
Ranch (you can make your own or use the bottle stuff)

Wash and cut your potatoes to the size of fries you want.  Place your fries on a baking sheet and drizzle with a little bit of olive oil and salt and pepper them to taste.  Bake until done.  We made steak fries so did take longer to bake.  It took about 40 minutes at 400* oven.   After the fries are done add your cheese, bacon, onions, and ranch.  You need to put the cheese on quick so it will melt for you.  These were a hit in my house,  I made two trays of fries and we didn't have any left over. 

Our ranch dressing that we make is 1 cup mayo, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1/2 milk, and one package dry ranch mix.

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